Yacht Rallies to Vanuatu


The Island Cruising Pacific Rallies are super popular and receive exceptional reviews from participants, many who had never before even considered joining a rally.
The Go East Rally sails from Australia to New Caledonia in May each year and is ideal fore those heading offshore for the first time.
The rally then sails from New Caledonia to Vanuatu in August.
The Go West Rally sails from Fiji & Vanuatu to Australia.
 The Pacific Rally sails from NZ to Polynesia, Tonga, Fiji and then to Vanuatu and on to Australia or back to NZ. Yachts pick their own routes and destinations but enjoy all the many economic, social and technical benefits of the rally.  

Visit  the Island Cruising Pacific Facebook pages and groups to keep informed about the rallies and   interesting and relevant destination information:

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